Our Courses
The Education consists of Anatomy, Neurology, Physiology and Psychology of the different animal species as well as rigorous training in the art, science and philosophy of animal chiropractic.
Find here the next courses scheduled:
2021 Course dates:
Module 1, May 14-16th (2021)
General Approachment on Principled Animal Chiropractic
Animal Chiropractic on Sacropelvic Region
Module 2, June 18-20th (2021)
Animal Chiropractic on Thoracolumbar Region. Saddle Fitting & Harness Fitting under chiropractic model.
Module 3, July 9-11th (2021)
Animal Chiropractic on Cervical Region. Stomatognatic System, Bridles, Hyioid Chiropractic.
Module 4, Sept 10-12th (2021)
Animal Chiropractic on Extremities. Sports Animal Chiropractic.
Module 5, October 23-24th (2021)
Integration, Tonal Techniques, Principled Approachment, New insights on animal chiropractic. Horse&Dog subluxations relationed with human subluxations. Marketing & Business Plans on Animal Chiropractic. Functional Neurology on Animal Chiropractic.
Course Amount 4950 €. Limited places. Reservation essential writing to msorianogonzalez@gmail.com
Our trainings, our differences, your opportunities
A.P.A.C Trainings.
Training based on scientific evidence.
Study the first class and top level chiropractic in animal life. Reject training based on gross manipulations and take part of our first class trainings.
Top Level Staff
Our teacher are years practicing animal chiropractic and they are at the forefront of knowledge in principled animal chiropractic
Practical Trainings
Totally focused in practical teaching. All of our students have options to feel and adjust directly lots of animals
Our trainings...your opportunity
The perfect environment for practical learning